If you have captured scenes by flying along a highway when traffic is flowing, you know just how difficult this can be, particularly with heavy traffic. First, you have to try and time your shots to minimize the intrusion of vehicles, adding time and stress to the capture process. Then, back in the office you are faced with impossible task of sorting out images that have vehicles in the from those that dont, only to find that most of them do. Now what? A frustrating and time consuming effort to annotate out the vehicles, or using the Pix4Dmapper mosaic editor, which introduces differences in shading and does nothing to improve the 3D model? Now there is a better option!
Aerial Metrics Carwash provides the following capabilities:
- Improve the quality of 3D models and orthomosaics when the images are captured while traffic is flowing
- Dramatically decrease post-processing work effort and improve workflow
- Watch the video demonstration or download the free trial to see it in action